EMC Forum on Music, Berno, 19-22 czerwca, 2014
W dniach od 19 do 22 czerwca w Bernie w Szwajcarii odbędzie się kolejna edycja European Forum on Music. Poprzednie miały miejsce w Glasgow (2013) oraz Istambule (2012). Poniżej załączamy informację otrzymaną od Europejskiej Rady Muzycznej, która jest głównym organizatorem Forum wspólnie ze Szwajcarską Radą Muzyczną i Yehudi Menuhin Forum Bern. Na zakończenie Forum przewidziane jest doroczne spotkanie Europejskiej Rady Muzycznej i wybory do jej zarządu.
4th European Forum on Music in Bern, Switzerland
The 4th edition of the EMC’s annual conference, the European Forum on Music, will take place in Bern, Switzerland on 19 – 22 June 2013. The Forum will focus on „Music and Politics: a shared responsibility”.
Music contributes significantly to the political and social development of a peaceful and integrative Europe. In times where faith in the European project amongst the continent’s citizens is wavering as a result of failing currencies, austerity measures and rising unemployment, music and culture can play a pivotal role in restoring trust and enthusiasm for Europe, and nurturing social cohesion throughout.
On the other hand political, institutions at local, national and European level must provide the necessary frameworks for the full potential of music for a diverse and cohesive Europe to be reached. The slogan ‘unity in diversity’ is claimed by both the European Union and Switzerland to identify themselves. But what does this diversity look like? What are its challenges? And how is this diversity reflected in society? Inspired by the host country, the Forum will ask: What can Europe learn from Switzerland the so-called ‘nation of will’, a confederation in which the different communities strive for a united Switzerland by respecting the diversity of its society.
Together with its local partners, the Swiss Music Council and the Yehudi Menuhin Forum Bern, the European Music Council looks forward to welcoming you in Bern at an inspiring Forum full of dialogue, opportunities for networking and exchange, and not forgetting of course, music!